Tuesday, November 01, 2005

That was one scary Halloween

Hello Kitties!

It's been ages since my last little blog adventure but as you well know, the world did not stop turning.

I had a happy Indictment Day. The only thing that would have made it better would have been Karl Rove receiving one of those lovely letters. You know, the ones that say, you, sir, are screwed. One for Cheney wouldn't hurt either, but you can't have everything.

Well, since Karl did not get his well deserved present in a hand-delivered envelope, he was able to get the plot of Super-Conservative, Crazy out of his Gourd Supreme Court Justice to the nomination table. Like anyone did not see this coming. Harriet Miers would have a better chance of running through hell without getting burned while wearing underwear made from price-gouging gasoline. Seriously. Put on your tin-foil hats if you must, but I am in agreement that this was a sacrificial lamb offered to the Democrats for them to scream a resounding 'NO!'. Then, when she is 'suddenly unable to be a nominee', out comes the hard right kook. Enter Mr. Samuel Alito. One big, scary Halloween trick from President Bush. Our rights look destined to go the way of a greasy,late-night breakfast after a night of bar-hopping.

However, there is a silver-lining in the fact that Bush is "slightly less popular than back fat is with super models" (thank you Rachel). The only people that will go along with this is his ultra-conservative, hard right, snake-wielding base constituents. And if these people are still hanging on the Republican teat after the overwhelming evidence of lies of going to war; vast incompetence in dealing with disasters (with forewarning) in these days of post-9/11; and the indictment of two high-ranking Bush Administration official and one SEC investigation (ala Martha Stewart) of another, then there is no hope for these red state yahoos.

Oh Scott McClellan, I so want to read your book when this Administration is done!

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