Thursday, November 03, 2005

Wanted: Porn . . . For my iPod?

It had to happen. Any successful visual technology/media is always heralded by porn. Yes, porny porn porn. Adult material designed to titillate (pun intended). My person view is that the porn industry needs to jump on this. Hey, you need to be cutting edge and who wouldn't want their porn collection in their pocket?

For example, you are on a trip with someone or a group that is slightly more exciting than drying paint. Before PodPorn, you would entertain thoughts of murder by spoon. Instead, you can ditch those dregs and watch your favorite "boyfriend(s) or girlfriend doing that thing you love oh so well. I admit that I have been on trips where there was a big lull in the action, if you know what I mean. If I would have had my special boys there to entertain me for a bit, the overall enjoyment of the trip could have been salvaged. Now, I have another wonderful option! Yeah, I can hear you say "you could just watch a movie", which is true. But this is a road that is built on skin. If you want to play in the visual media world, you're going to have to get dirty.

Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.

P.S. Yes, that is Jeff Gannon aka J.D. Guckert. If you don't know who this is . . . please Google. The story is just tasty.

1 comment:

el fantastico said...

mmm... porn. now if they just made eyebuds to go with my earbuds, i could enjoy my own private moment and those damn van rides would be so much better.
